Impact - Dissemination of Project results
We believe that the implementation of the proposed project will significantly contribute to the effort to take an effective action in order to address the lack of knowledge on issues related to the environment, both in our country and the rest of Europe. Specifically, courses about the environment are taught in schools and generally everywhere but in the form of formal education and not with informal or non-formal education that leave participants free to act, to develop critical thinking and decide what is best.
We estimate that this project will bring along the surface of the basic theoretical models of decision-making. It will be valuable to young Europeans regarding modern economic activities and business initiatives that could take. Facilitating the access of vulnerable groups in the educational process is also a primary objective of the proposed project. Particularly we will focus on the full and effective acceptance of diversity, the understanding, respect and elimination of any stereotypes and prejudices among participants with the growing of a multicultural spirit. The cooperation of all participants is the focus of this project that will demonstrate practical awareness of all the agencies involved on securing and safeguarding human rights, the equal participation of vulnerable social, economic and cultural asset, the right to work and education. This project is therefore opposed to any bias that may lead to separation, stigmatization, marginalization, social exclusion of young people with fewer opportunities in the social, cultural and economic mainstream of Europe, elements that could lead to the decline of local communities but and feelings of pessimism, frustration and insecurity young and new.
The proposed project also aims to serve as a model to potential followers and creators of such activities for young people in Europe who are willing to design and implement initiatives that highlight the importance of the preservation of our broader natural wealth.
The prospect of achieving the end of this project will significantly boost the confidence of participants. It will also give strength and impetus to young men and women with fewer opportunities living in Europe, to work earnestly on issues of sustainable, use of our productive resources, but also make dreams for their future.
Something we hope with this project is to develop innovative and interesting ideas for the environment and enable the participants to develop their own innovative business ideas and start taking actions. We are sure there will be numerous ideas as an outcome of the discussion.
Summarizing all the above, we could focus on the following points that we want participants to develop and launch their bodies:
a) Acquisition of new knowledge and an increasing interest about environmental and ecological education, saving energy and applying all this knowledge in their daily lives;
b) Development of team work and decision making as a result of the activities carried on in the organizations or during the training;
c) development of public speaking skills, especially in foreign languages during the meetings, as well as improving their writing skills when they communicate with each other through e-mail and chat;
d) Thanks to the end products of this project, youth workers and the local community will become aware of the importance of preserving our nature, and protection of the Environment;
e) The youth workers will learn about different cultures and life styles, develop skills in public presentation, which they can share and use in their future careers/finding a job.
f) To develop an entrepreneurial spirit and not afraid to expose their innovative ideas to the environment and to realize this.
g) The use of new Non-formal learning methods and pedagogical approaches inspired by partner collaboration;
h) Youth workers will come in contact with different social models of organization. Mainly, however, with various non-formal education systems, which they will study and compare with their own. They will diffuse and propagate the experiences and their conclusions, amongst the rest of the staff in their organizations and more widely in their local communities;
Regarding the organisations, the impact on them can be in various ways such as:
i) An introduction of an optional course to improve the educational offer of the organization;
ii)) An extended use of the facilities offered by the organization: ICT, meeting rooms etc;
iii) An exchange of ideas will help some organisations change their views on non formal education to make it more consistent with the ones of the European community;
iv) The organisation will be seen as a conscious ecological center in the local society;
v) The organisation will attract more young people interested in joining the organisation.
vi) The organisations can do the same training for other institutions so to be a center organisation.
Since ecological problems are not restricted by borders, the environment concerns us all and different countries have to work together in order to protect it. The same motivation should be considered by local, regional and national authorities from different sectors. Because we are all in direct contact with the environment in all our daily activities (our transfers, home, energy, contribution to our carbon footprint, in the office), it is important to be all involved in achieving the goals of sustainable environmental management. Smart and innovative eco-friendly ideas, proper environmental management can be applied from each of us personally, from local or regional authorities or even on a national or European level.
The proposed project will encourage all those directly and indirectly involved persons and institutions to participate actively in the activities of protection and proper management of the environment. The fact is that as we understand the environment and to transfer knowledge to organizations, local and regional authorities in the area, so we're ready to recommend the correct tactics and innovative ideas on environmental management.
Summarizing all the above, we could focus on the following points that we want participants to develop and launch with Communities:
a) To understand the role of the Environment for people, all ecosystems;
b) To make the citizens aware of the necessity to protect environment;
c) The end products and the exhibitions advertised by mass-media may make people being more responsible for nature;
d) Reinforcement of European dimension in local community.
e) Co – operate with local communities so communities help people to make their own business in environmental.
All this can be also in regional and National level, as well as in European level. The organisations will continue this training so to be known to all over Europe
We have created a strategy for dissemination of results taking in consideration the expected project results, the needs that project will respond to, potential users of project outcomes, the available resources (human and financial) as well as the most appropriate means and dates.
Our strategy for dissemination of results is:
* Internet (Webpages, Facebook) will be used as a tool in order to show our goals and results. All participants, other youngsters, trainers, all local communities of participants, but also wide range of public will be able to download training support material, our final conclusion, hand book from Internet, but also to see a gallery of pictures and to feel a positive atmosphere of the exchange which will for sure make them think about our project and Erasmus + programme, spread the voice as well as talk about it with their friends and families.
*Promotional bags: during the project participants will carry the bags with the logo of the project, Erasmus + programme and European Union. Since the bags will be colorful it will for sure get intention in our local community but also in participants countries.
*Handbook - will be made of memories of participants, pictures and activities that we have done during the training. We will publish it in PDF format in Internet, so that anyone can download it.
*Media approach - we will spread project results by our local and regional newspapers and by regional TV, but also through radio. We have good cooperations with media so we will continue good practice. They will be invited to come to see our project activities and final performance, and also introduced to our participants so that they can make some interviews and write report about the project.
*Youthpass - participants will get a certificate of their learning experience and newly gained knowledge and skills.
*Association certificate - participants will get association certificate for active participation on a project.
The target group of our dissemination activities are youth workers and youth associations who will get numerous benefits from this action. They will be motivated to participate in the project, make similar projects in their local communities, make partnerships with the organizations included in the project and we hope this will inspire youngsters to be aware of lot of opportunities that they have, as well as to encourage new youth workers to do good their job and to constantly develop and educate themselves.
Ensuring the visibility of the project it will be influential in informing and raising awareness of local, national and wider European society on the results of the project.
Creating pages in social media (Facebook, blogs, Twitter) will be a priority of the project, which will serve the notification by posting, informative and photographic material from the action, videos, information on the next steps, report thoughts, reviews, and reflections during the preparation phase, during implementation, but after completion of the project. The use of new technologies and the advantages of modern social contact networks will create a parallel source of information, interaction and potential cooperation with stakeholders around the environment.
In addition, the Group will publish articles about the project objectives and actions in the upcoming print and electronic media at the local level and will be displayed on the web-sites of the participating organizations.
Our goal is to be able to continue this training in every part of Europe, so as to allow the maximum number organizations and youth workers to benefit from it. Also all the organizations wants to continue with the project and to provide the project in their countries so to be able as much as possible youth workers to inform about this.