Learning Outcomes
With the presented proposal (NOFEE training) we are looking forward to contribute significantly to the acquisition and improvement of important skills, knowledge and attitudes of the participants, including: acquisition and effective assimilation of a set of theories and practices for the sustainable management of all sources encountered in us, as well as growing and developing productive business initiatives, awareness of the value of the role of "sustainable development" on sustainable development of the whole of Europe, strengthening critical thinking and creativity, improve interpersonal communication through the development of effective communication skills and techniques, promote teamwork, cooperation and collective spirit, awareness, responsibility and diligence on the role to be undertaken by each member in the group and the process of achieving the objectives, improving the ability to obtain and evaluate decisions, constructive manage emotions, develop competencies and use of new information and communications technologies. Moreover, through some handicraft and construction activities the participants will improve their manual dexterity. Beyond that, we believe that participants will get the essential skills to transfer the knowledge gained to other people so that in the end we can hopefully have results in reducing unemployment among young people and enhancing critical thinking and entrepreneurship in Europe.
Particularly, participants will develop or improve all eight key competences under the framework of Youthpass. We will try to give details for each key concept the key points of the training that will help you develop this skill:
1) LEARNING TO LEARN: In our training, we will have special time for reflection so participants to be able to organize their own learning in each point of the training, this time that we will give to all participants will give them the ability of thinking, gaining experiences and organize them in their own way so to be able to use them again and to show to their groups how to achieve this skills.
2) SOCIAL AND CIVIC COMPETENCE: We need an awareness of basic concepts relating to individuals, groups, work organizations, gender equality, society and culture. It is also important to understand different cultures and how a national cultural identity interacts with European identity, this awareness will come with many activities. From these activities they will improves the following skills: a) to communicate in different environments; b) to express and understand different viewpoints; c) to negotiate and be able to create confidence and d) to feel empathy. These skills include showing a sense of belonging to one’s locality, country or the EU.
3) SENSE OF INITIATIVE AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: In our training ideas will become get out of the participants and will become European Projects or Companies with the activity: Creating, Building, Finalizing and Representing my Green Company or Green Youth Project. In this activity participants will try to give their best ideas and they will make them action, either with the building of the Company or the building of a European Youth Projects.
4) CULTURAL AWARENESS AND EXPRESSION: With the same activity all the participants when they will have to represent their idea with creativity, so they will need to include music, performing art or anything else which make them awareness about culture, also at the end of the training they will have to represent all they get from a seminar through art, music, literature, visual arts in the activity: ‘Acting about environment’.
5) COMMUNICATION IN MOTHER TONGUE: This skill also will also be improved because all the participants will present their ideas, will take part in debates, discussions, so first of all they have to think in their mother tongue how to express their ideas, their opinion and how to find the best emotion to express. This will be done in many activities in the training.
6) COMMUNICATION IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES: This will be ensured with a lot of discussions that are coming through many activities that we have in the training. In all these activities there is an involvement of cultural differences and diversity, and an interest and curiosity in languages and intercultural communication.
7) MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE AND BASIC COMPETENCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: The whole theme of the training and all the activities are doing around these skills and they will try to see also the scientific themes of the Environment.
8) DIGITAL COMPETENCE: There are activities that participants will have the opportunity to have a critical use of Information Society Technology (IST)
This project therefore aims to support young people in their personal and lifelong learning process, with emphasis on employability and future life, so that they have the skills to lead a fulfilling life.