Italy, ComeUnaMarea onlus
Associations website:
"ComeUnaMarea" is an organization with the target to promote and preserve the Cultural heritage. It gives great importance to the activities which focus on oral traditions and expressions.
The Association also realize events that sights to help the European citizens to learn living entirety harmoniously and to exceed the differences inherent to their cultural, religious and linguistic diversity. Above all to induce the sensitization of the young person to the importance to develop one citizenship European active and open on the world, respectful of the diversity cultural and found on the value common of the UE.
"ComeUnaMarea" has also the objective to promote equal rights and opportunities for man and women. It also manages extracurricular activities in the schools and provide adult and young education in almost every sphere of human activity: practical arts and crafts, cultural, theatre, traditional foods. Its activity takes advantage itself of financial participations granted from public Institution. ComeUnaMarea is member of the "Anna Lindh Foundation”.
ComeUnaMarea Onlus is regularly involved in local and european project about environmental protection and sustainability addressed to youth and adult public. In the last years, one of the main objective of our non-profit association was the consciousness of publics to the environmental themes as recycling and use of environmental products.
We had took part in different youth project as applicant or partner.
Our project involved youths coming from context with social and economic difficulties. Part of them was migrant. Now we are collaborating with same schools fighting school non-attendance.
2005 - Educazione allo Sport - Liceo “Luis Pasteur” di Roma
Basket tournament 2005/2006
2009 - Youth in Action Programme
Action 1.2 - “Mediterraneo”
2012 - Youth in Action Programme
Action 1.1 - “Young People Growing Together For A Better Europe”
Action 4.3 - “Peace And Change. Buidling The Peace-Able Community”
Action 1.1 - “The First City – State Of the World is Aslantepe
Action 1.1 - “Colourblind Caravan”
2014 - Youth in Action Programme
Action 1.1 - “FEEL THE EARTH”
2014 - Erasmus + K1
Youth exchange – “ Youth Outdoor!”
Youth worker mobility – “Unmask the Theatre
All our staff is working within youth sector.
Concetta Bruno is the founder and manager of the organisation. She is competent and skilled in project design and project cycle management for non-formal and informal education and local development. On behalf of his company, she organised and managed several cultural projects. In our staff we have different professional profiles that are involved in environmental activities: a PhD naturalist guide, a PhD marine biology guide, a geologist, a naturalistic photographer, a naturalistic outdoor activities guide and a natural recycler artist.
Anna Saccullo is a skilled person in tutoring, monitoring and evaluation. She is the founder and manager of MARIDA cultura association , our partner in several activities, She is a responsible person in charge of the assistance to participants for
their accommodation, logistic needs and socio-cultural activities. He is also well
experienced in dealing with such tasks, thanks to his previous jobs within a former LLP
Giulia visconti – gratuaded in natural science. She is postgraduate in marine biology and expert in environmental education. She has ability to operate in different cultural settings. She has experience in eu projects. Vincenza Giacco is photografar expert and video maker She recived many awards has ability to operate in different cultural settings.
We have 5 volunters with abilities in the cultural sectors.
Mariano Sanfilippo is gratuaded in biological science. Expert in food education Bartolo Li Bianchi is geologist Concetta Fleilers coach volleyball I° F.I P.A.V she is trainer volley team Tiziana D’Aubert degree in physical education and sport sciences and expert in aerobic. She is personal trainer too.