This training course was a unique experience for me! I had the chance to learn a lot of things about non formal education and how efficient it is! I learn how many environmental issues are treated in other countries which was very interesting for me, as an environmental scientist. Also I had the chance to meet incredible people, from many countries, as well as many new things about other cultures.
The whole week passed very quickly and we did so many different things. The spirit was so powerful and full of positive energy every single minute. We were doing many exercises together or in smaller groups that we had the opportunity to meet and cooperate with every single participant.
For me all the activities were helpful, I learned how to start implementing an idea and step by step making it an existing project. I had the chance to debate about many environmental issues, like organic farming, global warming, participation of different social groups and how all this issues are handled in other countries, the policies they use and the way they make people understand about their importance. I learn about the biodiversity of other countries, found similarities and differences between them and explored the traditional food, dances and way of living of other participants.
I am very happy that I had the chance to participate in NOn Formal Environmental Education Training Course! I will use the knowledge I got and try to spread it among other people.